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Practical courses by experienced trainers

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Trusted by more than 1,500 companies across Belgium


Training partner for over 1,500 companies in Belgium and abroad

Every day, we strive for maximum customer satisfaction. A training or course is never an isolated event. Ultimately, what counts is the result. Therefore, we keep track of all satisfaction scores from our customers. We are happy to share this information with you because we believe transparent communication is very important.

0of our customers are highly satisfied with the quality of our courses

See all testimonials

“'I wanted more self-confidence in front of the camera and practical tips to build my skills. I received very concrete tips during the training, which I can put to use immediately. By recording short presentations of all participants, you get a good picture of yourself. The training was also presented in a very dynamic way, completely digital, but that had no effect on the quality. Well done!'”

Dorien Verheirstraeten - VDAB

Dorien VerheirstraetenVDAB

“I wanted to gain insights into our team's thinking and thus improve collaboration. There was a nice balance of theory, practical examples and exercises. Each HDBI profile was discussed in detail so we now have a better picture of our communication, expectations and information processing. The result is that we are more understanding of each other. We definitely want another follow-up training!”

Natalia Kouzina - Valeron

Natalia KouzinaValeron

“Initially, I was very sceptical about the set-up and was actually swept along in a fascinating story from the start, giving me a clear idea of what can be gained from such performance appraisals. The approach made it clear that you can extract a lot of interesting and useful info from such an interview and apply it immediately. I learned that a performance interview is not a snapshot, but should be a continuous process. As far as I am concerned, this was a very successful workshop.”

Iwein Baeyens - UZ Brussels

Iwein BaeyensUZ Brussels

“This course provided some wonderful examples and insights on how we can get more dynamism, spontaneity and creativity through ‘out of the box’ thinking within our company. The training fully met expectations. There was very good interaction in the group and the instructor is a born talent to relay information in a correct, constructive yet open manner. Super course! Highly recommended! ”

Kurt Pappaert - KBC Bank

Kurt PappaertKBC Bank

“I wanted to learn to write emails in an even more customer-friendly way. In addition, it was important to get the necessary tools to write texts for the web and for newsletters in a creative way. This expectation was completely fulfilled thanks to the useful tips and the practical exercises. I still take the syllabus with me when I write texts.”

Nathalie Verheyden - Sanofi Belgium

Nathalie VerheydenSanofi Belgium

“I mainly wanted to learn techniques to give better feedback. This expectation was fully met; in fact, we saw even more than this. I learnt technique to stay calm, communicate better and make sure others don't get worked up when feedback is problematic.”

Krystyna Krywen - Agataal

Krystyna KrywenAgataal

“The session was very interactive and an impulse on realizing that you are responsible for the thoughts you have and how these have an influence on your communication in life. The session was very valuable in a way that it can be applied to all parts of life, as well in the work environment as in private life.”

Lut Oosterlinck - Bayer CropScience

Lut OosterlinckBayer CropScience

“Expectations were exceeded by the practical approach and countless tips & tricks. I thought I already knew a lot about LinkedIn but still I learned a lot of new and useful features during the training.”

Iris Arens - Livios

Iris ArensLivios

“The trainer managed, in a practical way, to teach me useful things. The importance of asking open questions in the sales process and daring to adopt an assertive attitude. I can now apply this on a daily basis. The training has really flown by. It was a great learning experience! ”

Jo Vandenbrande - Galapagos

Jo VandenbrandeGalapagos

“We attended the LinkedIn training and have benefited greatly from it. The whole team is excited to engage more on LinkedIn and we started a campaign to increase our followers. So the training was very inspiring!”

Farida Barkat - OIP

Farida BarkatOIP

The 3 unique advantages of Expert Academy

At Expert Academy, we believe that anyone can become an expert in their field with the right training and coaching.

Our team of passionate and experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you grow professionally.

Through insightful guidance, you can achieve better results and successfully reach your goals. Developing your talent is our passion.


Proven Expertise

The workshops at Expert Academy are conducted by experts who are firmly grounded in practice.


Short and powerful training

Time is valuable, especially in the business world. That’s why our training sessions are concise and impactful. This way, your busy schedule remains undisturbed.



We work from the dynamics of your organization or team. This means: as little theory as possible and as much practice as possible.

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