Stress Management
About this training
A certain degree of stress experienced during work may have a positive effect, but excessive stress is very often problematic. The effects caused by stress can manifest themselves in all aspects of your work and life. Excessive stress will put you out of balance emotionally and affects your natural resistance.
Clear thinking and concentration at work requires far more energy and often puts pressure on your personal relations and social life.
During this training course you will learn how to create a perfect balance between professional and private life, and also how to deal with stress factors in a positive way. You will acquire specific stress management techniques and skills enabling you to deal with situations where you have to perform under pressure but which also benefit your personal well-being and the performance of your company or organisation.
- Inventory of personal stress factors
- Definition & causes of stress: the stress test
- How to control stress: tips & techniques
- The stress index: setting of priorities - difference between urgency and importance
- Stress Management: concrete approach
- Stress reduction: prevention and management: strategies

Target group
The "Stress Management" course is aimed at anyone - from administrative employees up to general managers - who wants to deal with stress in a more efficient and productive way. This course is more specifically intended for management assistants, managers, sales managers, department heads, professional staff members and account managers.
Through insight practices, group discussions, tests, 'question and answer' rounds, dilemma's and self-reflection, the participants will experience for themselves the impact that stress can have on everyone, and they will also learn how to avoid or deal with such stress.
In this result-oriented training course, you will learn to identify habits and thinking patterns that lead to stress, and also how to transform these situations towards a state of inner tranquillity. You will also acquire tools to enhance your resilience and resistance, enabling you to overcome any new stress factors in the future.