Creative thinking
About this training
In a competitive market, creativity is essential for making a difference. Successful businesses manage to be more creative and innovative and stimulate their employees to think "out-of-the-box".
Not only are creative enterprises more successful, they also know how to retain skilled staff members.
Whether it’s inventing a new product or finding ways to cut costs and improve quality, creative thinking is the drive for development and innovation. And now, more than ever before, the ability to think outside the box is necessary right across organizations.
In this practice-oriented workshop, you will learn several techniques which make it possible to steer, correct, facilitate and quantify the creative process.
Following topics are addressed in this highly interactive training:
- Introductory exercise with feedback
- The different steps of the creative process
- How to get inspiration from the most unexpected sources.
- Looking - Listening - Accepting - Being positive
- Creativity: learn to think starting from your first impulse
- Pitfalls with regard to creative thinking.
- Understand and overcome the blocks and fears that affect the creative process
- Installing and stimulating a creative thinking mindset
- Creativity on the work floor: brainstorming exercises & techniques

Target group
The "Creative Thinking and Brainstorming" training course is aimed at anyone who wants to develop and stimulate a creative way of thinking, more particularly: company managers, creative teams, developers and team leaders.
During the workshop you learn how to apply the different brainstom techniques immediately in practice. On the basis of concrete cases you can immediately aply these powerful techniques.
After the training you will have access to additionnal tips and tricks, checklists en cases.
This practice-oriented training will give a boost to your creative thinking capacity. You will leave this training course with a view to new perspectives. You discover the possibilities and areas of application of creative thinking by practising various thinking techniques. You are able to prepare and guide (simple) creative sessions.
You will learn:
- How to compose a creative team.
- How to make optimal use of the power of brainstorming.
- Avoid pitfalls with regard to creative thinking.
- Utilize innovative tools, such as the "thinking hat technique" and the post-it method.
- Translate creative ideas in concrete and readily usable concepts.